Sunday, December 27, 2009

not today, but maybe tomorrow?

im glad today i decided to go along with your already recommended idea.
why shouldnt you go along with your life, talking to me as much as you want, and still not have options?
i love you so i want the best for you, and usually im bitter when things turn out this way, but i am just happy i have you and your love. its the greatest thing i feel i have, and i treasure it.
i would tell you im in love with you, but i dont want you to move here. you belong there with the friends and family you love so much.
why would you want to live here for three years, if you could live where youd actually be happy?
no, you will stay where your happy. and if its meant to be, then we will be together one day.
being in love with you is irrelevant.

i had chicken noodle soup today, and i must say its the best thing to have when your ignoring a numbing heart. i dont know how to deal with myself sometimes.
i don know how to fight for what i want. if i can let it go, i do.
does anyone really EVER fight for what they want?
i love some things so much, i let them go.